


Glossary a To F

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작성자 Shantell Levey 작성일24-09-12 08:02 조회7회 댓글0건


Also this multi-signal EM radiation, no matter how weak, directly interacts with the H­bonding structure of the H-bonding blood fluid. Thus even the "chemical" contaminants interact electrically and via potential (multiwave) interferometry with the H-bonding potential. Even single-signal EM radiation still forms oppositive pairings with the weak fields already existing in the body, thus also forming W/Z structured potentials. These continue to slowly "kindle" after the "first high-level antisignal actions" that cumulated past the "noise" (quantum) threshold reached their limits of physical reactions and are still insufficient to resolve the problem. In spite of heroic "high level antisignal" physical cellular compensations to reduce the use of oxygen, however, the condition of cellular oxygen shortage may still continue, in the case of the smoker or substantial environmental contaminants such as secondary smoke. Further, by graviton interaction, a sustained, cumulated set of antisignals is also automatically generated in the personal quantum potential as a set of negative feedback signals to take corrective actions to alleviate the oxygen depletion condition. The metabolism is lowered, the body relaxes, and the appetite is suppressed; all counters to the cells’ hypoxia condition by lowering the cellular requirement for oxygen. So very rapidly the body has negative feedback countersignals from the central cellular control system, ordering the body to take actions to reduce the cellular need for oxygen.

In a sustained cellular hypoxia stress environment, the "do whatever is necessary to reduce oxygen usage" countersignals will continue to cumulate from successively deeper levels in the QP over an appreciable time. As the hypoxia stress in the cells continues, then much weaker but coherent countersignals that trigger deeper cellular adaptation actions eventually have time to cumulate past the quantum threshold to the observable state. Further, in quantum field theory, all mechanical forces are due to the exchange of virtual photons, and hence also are electromagnetic at their very basis. Because gates are not expected to directly drive significant loads (several milliamps is usually the limit), CMOS transistors are selected so that their resistances and voltage response characteristics eliminate the risk of short-circuit damage when input voltage is somewhere between ground and Vcc; that said, output voltage levels and other gate characteristics are guaranteed to be sane only within certain specific ranges of "0" and "1" inputs. Many modern chips used in signal processing accept rail-to-rail inputs and have rail-to-rail outputs, however, allowing them to be more easily operated from a single supply. As cam be seen there are many other weaker, direct interactions of "force-field" radiation; however, here we are interested in the interaction of that radiation with the inner structure of the H-bond potential’., to reduce the oxygen transport capability of the hemoglobin.

Thus in the H-bonding fluid surrounding the hemoglobin molecule, there exists an H-bond scalar potential, and by Whittaker/Ziolkowski (W/Z) decomposition it has a multi-wave structure. It follows that, when thrust into a truly dense signal environment, some exposed individuals may receive a "cumulative H-bonding interference dosage" that, when added to their existing prior dosage, is sufficient to result in physical symptoms "ordered" into the cells by the antisignals kindled in their quantum potentials. They simply are no longer under the control of the body’s MCCS in the personal quantum potential, even though the body’s logistical services (nutrients, oxygen, etc.) continue to be furnished to them. In addition to its personal quantum potential, a biological organism also is connected to a species quantum potential joining all the members of its species. That first dedifferentiation step breaks the cells away from centralized control of the MCCS in the personal quantum potential. As the deeper "dedifferentiation" countersignal reaches the quantum threshold in the most affected area, a small group of localized cells located there take the first step back along the "single­anaerobe to single aerobe to multiple aerobe" evolutionary chain. Consequently there is no "large organism" central control of the tumor’s growth, and the tumor cells divide and multiply apace.

MOSFET transistors allow very significant currents to be controlled by applying small, very high impedance signals to the gate terminal (there is virtually no gate-source current observed in the steady state, and this "capacitor" retains the charge even after the source is disconnected); the resistance of the created conductive channel is in part proportional to the applied voltage, resulting in a transistor-specific two- or three-digit amplification factor; that said, it also varies with factors such as temperature and the drain-to-source voltage, so the number shouldn't be depended on. The F/B ratio is mostly a marketing gimmick, and is not a very useful number. The chip is fairly dated and quirky, but it has a number of modern, power-efficient FET successors, what are electric cables such as ICM7555. The cause of cancer and leukemia - and indeed of all diseases - is electromagnetic in nature, and it can be straightforwardly treated and cured electromagnetically, if one utilizes the extended W/Z aspects of the higher topology EM actually written by James Clerk Maxwell. In the new model being advanced, cancer and leukemia are centrally-commanded. When the expected range of R3 values to be seen by the circuit is much higher than the value of R2, the effect is negligible - but when R2 and R3 are in the same league, the resulting voltage drop may become significant.


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