


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for PMP400

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작성자 Jermaine 작성일24-08-15 15:36 조회12회 댓글0건


Nearly 60 per cent goes to the cable, and the balance to the Indo-European Company and the Indo-European Telegraph Department of the Indian Government Competition ruinous to the shareholders, which in no short time would have become ruinous also to efficiency, has thus ceased, to the advantage of all parties concerned. In return for this privilege allowed us by the Americans, we must grant the Americans the privilege of landing their cables in Canada on the way to Europe, (c) No doubt if the American-owned cables were beating our cables out of the field, it would become a question whether, in spite of the above observations, our Government should allow such cables to utilize British territory for that purpose. It has, indeed, been suggested recently by the advocates of State enterprise or State socialism that the Imperial Government should lay its own cable or cables across the Atlantic to Canada. Against this, to lay a single line of cable by the sea route mentioned would cost, with expenses of insurance, stations, apparatus, and maintenance ship, about £1,500,000, or about £220 per knot. To work with digital data modes, or process the transceiver’s audio output in some other way, there’s one connection missing that is not a part of the RJ45 mic connector: an RX "audio out" connection between the Yaesu and the PC line input.

Although the permanent connection with Canada was established in 1866, it was not till 1872 that the system of charging so much per word was introduced. On the whole subject of our connection by cable with Canada there seems no reason for disputing the conclusion of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Cable Communications, which sat in 1902 under the presidency of Lord Balfour of Burleigh. From 1872 up to 1888 the changes in the tariff were most bewildering; in those sixteen years there were no less than thirteen changes of tariff. Finally, in 1896, the first really serious State competition was inaugurated by the German Government, though the German cable was not opened until 1900. Under stress of competition the rate fell to 6d. in 1886 until 1888. But this was found to be ruinous, and the rate was raised to Is. The companies thereupon agreed to reduce the rate to 2s. 6d. per word, and on May 22, 1900, the Secretary of the Treasury announced in the House of Commons that 'it is practically arranged that there should be at once a reduction to 2s. 6d., and if the 2s. 6d. rate brings in a certain number of messages, that rate will shortly be reduced to 2s. 0d.' It was, however, not until March 1, 1902, that this reduction was effected.

Moreover, to mitigate the undue competition a 'pool' was formed, and still exists, between the two English companies and one of the American companies. One of my chief interests is lighting. Taking one of the small private commercial codes actually in use, I find that the whole code gives an average of 27· A small screwdriver did the job and almost broke it. Next, use a jewellers flat head screwdriver to slowly and carefully lever the battery terminals out of the battery compartment. If you would like to be able to swap battery all the time, we would suggest that you cut and extend the wire, install yourself a plug in-between, so you can swap the battery and connect the wire to safe guard potential non-contact problem with the battery. Clearly, the only solution of this problem was for British enterprise to construct a line of submarine cables to India. Turning next to our connections with India, it is clear from the map that the most direct route to India is by land-line across Europe to Constantinople, thence across Turkey in Asia to Fao, at the head of the Persian Gulf, and thence by submarine cable to Karachi in India.

Clearly, then, from a purely financial standpoint, a cable to India could be put out of existence by the land-line. The further point, then, which merits attention is that the telegraphic communications between Great Britain and Canada are singularly ample and direct. Our five British cables, though landing in Canada instead of the United States, only do so because the speed of a cable varies inversely as the square of its length. Thus the land route is immensely cheaper to construct, what is control cable besides being about five times as cheap to maintain. It is by being allowed to collect a portion of that traffic in the United States by the agency of their American connections that our five British cables chiefly maintain their power to live. The cause of these frequent fluctuations has been the more or less fierce struggle waged in the Atlantic, with some intermissions, since 1868, when the French entered the field in rivalry with the British.


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