


World Pool Rules

페이지 정보

작성자 Jerald 작성일24-07-31 13:26 조회11회 댓글0건


For example, if you just pocketed a red ball, the next one should be a coloured ball. Possession of the red ball (3 points) and the other cue ball (2 points) are winning hazards. Cue Ball Fouls only - if a player disturbs the cue ball while not during a legitimate shot, then it’s a foul and the opponent gets ball in hand. If an object ball accidentally does get disturbed then it’s the non-shooting players choice on whether to leave that ball in the current position or decide to move it back to the original position according to their discretion. If so, his opponent will then have the choice to either play the shot, or hand it back. All Ball Fouls - if a player disturbs any ball while not during a legitimate shot, then it’s a foul and the opponent gets ball in hand. 6. Touching a ball: If a player touches a ball with their hand or cue while taking a shot, it is considered a foul. 7. Taking a shot out of turn: If a player takes a shot when it is not their turn, it is considered a foul.

When this happens it’s referred to as a scratch and the opposing player gets ball in hand, which means that they can place the cue ball anywhere on the table before taking their shot. If you scratch on the break, that’s not an automatic loss. A shot on which the cue ball is pocketed is called a scratch. For the purposes of this post, call shot refers to a player calling the pocket they want to pocket an object ball. A player is said to be snookered when the cue ball has no straight, direct path to hit at least part of a legal target ball. Players may use any part of the cue stick to move the cue ball, including the tip, but not with a forward stroke motion. Accidentally disturbing balls: People often disagree about how to handle accidentally touching an object ball with your body or with a part of the cue. Have you ever wondered why people call it pool?

In this case, if every shot is call shot and a player makes a ball into a pocket they didn’t call, then their turn is over and the other player gets to shoot. In some games and for most break shots, placement of the cue ball may be restricted to the area behind the head string depending on the rules of the game, and then 6.10 Bad Cue Ball Placement and 6.11 Bad Play from Behind the Head String may apply. In call shot games, the shooter may choose to call "safety" instead of a ball and pocket, and then play passes to the opponent at the end of the shot. That’s a foul and the opponent would take ball in hand. When this happens, the player who goes next gets a "ball in hand". Shelf: The shelf is measured from the center of the imaginary line that goes from one side of the mouth to the other - where the nose of the cushion changes direction - to the vertical cut of the slate pocket cut.


The referee will place a ball on each side of the table behind the head string and near the head string. If all of the long string below the foot spot is blocked by other balls, the ball is spotted above the foot spot, and as close as possible to the foot spot. When the shooter has the cue ball in hand behind the head string and all the legal object balls are behind the head string, he may request the legal object ball nearest the head string to be spotted. If the tournament official determines that the player is intentionally positioning balls in the rack, the player will be given an official warning to refrain from doing so. The tournament director or other appointed official decides whether to use a shot clock or not. No billiards organization thinks of call shot in this way and it’s frankly an opponents attempt to get an unfair advantage against you in their favor you in most cases. While most of its ancient origins still remain a mystery, we do know where did billiards originate from. If the cue ball doesn’t hit an object ball after hitting 3 cushions that is still a foul and results in ball in hand.

If you are you looking for more in regards to what is billiards have a look at our own web-page.


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